Business Plan

Our Business Plan will deliver a transformation of our network, nearly doubling the amount of power we can transfer across the country, and providing twice as many customer connections as in the last five years.

Explore the Plan

Cost and financeability

In this section we set out the overall cost of our plan and the financial framework for RIIO-T3. This would allow us to attract the capital that is required to deliver the consumer and societal benefits of the energy transition.

Attracting capital to deliver what is needed by 2030 is only the beginning of the process of delivering the energy transition in the UK. We expect electricity demand to double between now and 2050 as we electrify heat and transport, and therefore the sector will need to be able to attract significant levels of capital to invest over the next 25 years.

In this section, we summarise our overall investment plan using the standard categories specified by Ofgem. We also explain our approach to ensuring we are able to finance our business, our evidence for the regulatory framework and rate of return necessary to attract investment.

We will cover the following topics:

6.1 Overview of our investment plan
6.2 Financing our business plan