Business PlanOur Business Plan will deliver a transformation of our network, nearly doubling the amount of power we can transfer across the country, and providing twice as many customer connections as in the last five years.
Explore the planSecure and resilient supplies
Maintaining and operating a network that delivers secure and resilient supplies is the core of our business.
This section covers Ofgem's second Consumer Outcome and includes: how we maintain and renew our assets, design the network to be resilient to threats, operate it now and in the future, and how we ensure we have the people and capabilities we need.
Our operating environment is changing: from the increasing risks of climate change to ever-evolving cyber threats. The energy system itself is changing to become more flexible with the connection of more intermittent generation and increased demand-side flexibility. Our plan makes our assets and systems more resilient to the risks we face and therefore more reliable for consumers.
Ensuring a reliable electricity supply remains a top priority for consumers. We have a strong track record: last year network reliability was 99.999998 per cent. Over the last decade, we have been increasing our annual asset health delivery. Last year, we delivered more asset health interventions than ever before. Over the next five years we will ensure that the overall level of network risk is at the same level in 2031 as it will be in 2026.
We are prepared for the changing climate. We are implementing flood defences at more than 130 sites most vulnerable to flooding and are now developing ‘resilient by design’ standards.
To make our supply chain more resilient we are adopting longer-term strategies that give suppliers the incentives and confidence to expand. This is a deliberate shift towards using competition to establish strategic relationships.
We are taking a similarly long-term approach to our workforce resilience. Our Strategic Workforce Plan sets out a 10-year view of the people we need and new strategies to attract and retain them.
We cover the following topics:
3.1 Maintaining our assets during a growth phase
3.2 Ensuring network resilience
3.3 Transforming our operations to manage a net zero power system
3.4 Ensuring the resilience of our supply chain
3.5 Ensuring the resilience of our workforce